Origins of the Name
The Allsopp name and its variants (Alsop, Allsop, Alsopp, etc.) are believed to have originated around 900-1000AD in the village of Alsop-en-le-Dale, anciently Elleshope, which is located in Derbyshire, England.

Allsopp One Name Study
A one name study on all variants of the Allsopp family name worldwide is currently being undertaken . Should you wish to assist in the collection of Allsopp related information please contact me.

The Brewery
You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline – it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.
Frank Zappa

Coats of Arms
People frequently ask, “what is the Allsopp coat of arms”, and the answer in short is, which Allsopp are you referring to? Learn more on the Arms for various Allsopp names.

Migration to Australia
There are a number of Allsopp lineages in Australia today, many of which can be traced back to the convict period of the early 1800’s. Do you have a family member who arrived as a convict or a free settler?

Use of information taken from this website
A considerable number of websites and family trees on sites such as Ancestry.com contain information and images extracted verbatim from this site. Whilst this site is designed to assist Allsopp researchers in tracing their family, I ask all who take information or images from this site for use on another website, to duly acknowledge www.allsoppgenealogy.com as the source.