Allsop Surname Variants & Forenames Web Page Now Live

We’re pleased to announce the launch of a new dedicated web page on Allsopp Genealogy focused entirely on the Allsop surname and all its historical variants. This comprehensive resource page brings together years of research on this distinctive English surname, offering insights for family historians tracing their Allsop, Alsop, Allsopp, or Alsup ancestry.

Exploring Surname Variants Through the Centuries

Our new page provides an in-depth analysis of how the Allsop surname has evolved and diversified since its origins in Derbyshire’s Alsop-en-le-Dale (recorded as “Elleshope” in the 1086 Domesday Book).

Researchers can now explore regional spelling patterns including:

  • The double ‘l’, double ‘p’ spelling (Allsopp) that became common in Staffordshire branches, particularly around Tipton
  • The Alsop variant (with single ‘l’ and ‘p’) that predominated in Derbyshire records
  • The Alsup spelling that emerged frequently in American records after migration
  • Historical variants like Alsoppe found in Tudor-era parish registers

The page includes examples from probate records showing how these spelling variations appeared in official documents from the 1920s through the 1960s, demonstrating the fluidity of surname spelling before standardization.

Forename Frequencies: Data-Driven Insights

One of the most valuable features of the new page is its statistical analysis of given names used in Allsop families across different regions and time periods. Using data from thousands of birth records, clear patterns emerge that can help researchers identify family groups.

The page presents detailed tables comparing naming preferences between:

Australia (1788-1923):

  • Most popular male names: William (5.4%), John (4.8%), George (2.9%)
  • Most popular female names: Mary (3.3%), Dorothy (1.2%), Elizabeth (1.1%)

United Kingdom (1837-1997):

  • Most popular male names: John (4.0%), William (3.5%), George (2.5%)
  • Most popular female names: Mary (2.6%), Sarah (1.7%), Elizabeth (1.7%)

These patterns not only help identify likely Allsop family connections but also show how naming traditions evolved differently as families migrated to Australia and other colonies.

Alsup/Alsop DNA Project: Making Genetic Connections

A section of the new page is dedicated to the ongoing Alsup/Alsop DNA Project, which is helping to bridge documentary gaps through genetic genealogy.

This collaborative project has made several breakthrough discoveries:

  • Y-DNA testing has identified three distinct paternal lineages among Allsop families, suggesting the surname was adopted by multiple unrelated families from the same geographical area
  • A primary genetic cluster connects most Derbyshire Alsops, supporting the traditional origin narrative
  • DNA evidence has revealed previously undocumented connections between certain American Alsup branches and Warwickshire Allsop families
  • Testing has helped resolve conflicting documentation in several family lines where variant spellings created confusion

The page includes clear information on how researchers can participate in the DNA project, which tests are most appropriate for connecting with potential relatives, and how to interpret results in the context of documentary evidence.

Research Resources at Your Fingertips

This new web page consolidates essential resources for Allsop family researchers:

  • Historical distribution maps showing geographical concentrations of different spelling variants
  • Timelines of notable Allsopps throughout British and colonial history

We welcome contributions from researchers with additional data, documents, or insights about the Allsop surname to help expand this valuable resource. Please use the contact form to submit information for review and possible inclusion.

Start exploring your Allsop family history in greater depth today!

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